Friday, May 29, 2020

Week 4: Avogadro's Hypothesis

The article brings out a good point about empirical evidence which often analysis was based on unless specified otherwise.   By making a collection of observations cannot necessarily create scientific laws.  so, with empirical observations is not sufficient.   There is a need to create and test hypothesis.  It’s like the validation of the theory. 
The article further elaborates important key points of a hypothesis.   The concept of skepticism is crucial as being one of the main tools for a scientist.  I think having the right critical thinking and being objective is to be adhered. This is how new idea or theory that may contradict the norm but turn out to be truthful at the end. 

Week 4: Class Discussion

We had an intriguing conversation on the article the words that change what colours we see.   From the concept of how most of us identify colors based on what mainstream society and culture definition.  So, we are literally programmed from birth regarding the definitions and labeling of colors and what not.    Synesthesia the ability to joining of the senses that what a person can see sounds or hear colours is mysterious as we think by relaying examples of musician’s innate ability to conjure up imagery and sensations while playing instruments! 
We noticed that different culture and regions of the world still have their ways of expressing colors.  For example, Tibetan langue utilize basic color words with adaptation of light and dark to diversify.   In other words, the word pink would be a combination of white and red.   In both Chinese language and in Japanese Kanji characters both have a unique word for neither blue nor green.  A close translation would be azure color.
Cultural can be another factor as Tibet is quite shelter in since 6th century.   With scared resources, they had limited exposure to color vs. the very flamboyant Swiss guards costume designed by the famed Michelangelo for the Vatican.
Lastly, I saw a video clip of a region in Turkey that they are still practicing so called bird language.  It’s a remote part of Turkey with mountain and trees and folks whistle like a bird to communicate.  It’s very exciting that the elders are trying to teach the young children of this dying art!  So, totally defy what normal concept of words and colors.

Week 4: Explore the kitchen

Colors of foods in my kitchen.  Well, for this period, I have the following colors from my food sources:  red – tomato,  white – eggs,   sausage – brown,  leafy greens – green,   and more greens – cucumbers.  Brown – brown rice and dark brown – minced pork with soy sauce.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Week 3 Luminescence

Before touch on luminescence which is referring to one of the light source from a form of energy, it is incandescence form of light which is most of us grew up with.  An older form of technology of light from heat energy that is phasing out as it requires more energy or wattage to sustain.

Luminescence is a cooler form of light operate at ambient or lower temperature.   This newer technology is taking over globally at much advantage of producing less energy require lighting among other good qualities.   Basically, luminescence concepts is electrical attractions between atomic nucleus and electron.   This form of cold-body radiation is becoming a popular mainstream form of lighting.

Wk 3: Green Chemistry

In my opinion, green chemistry will be the big topic in chemical manufacturing.  I already had a brief discussion on regarding the 12 principles of green chemistry and notice there are definitely the pro and there are con.

Yes, going green is such a buzz word now and conceptually is very good that to use sustainable and renewable resources for reactants and catalysts.   The concept of reducing chemical waste has been a hot topic globally for years.   To have a chemical product with reaction at ambient temperature and pressure will reduce energy consumption.   Of course, a safer chemical product in general will prevent accidents like poisons to toxic reactions to the general public will be less and therefore, less works for the ambulance chaser!

On the other hand,  the initial cost or investment to setup or re-engineered for a greener manufacturer might not be even feasible for some small or mid-size plants.  It is likely that they have to shutdown production line and rebuild and retrain the crews.  This alone might send say a plant of 50 people out of job for a while or simply no resources for the capital investment!

Another concern is that just because it is green, there is no long term data to prove that they are safe on the long run without potential side effect.  Granted existing chemicals have been in the industry for many decades with its known good and bad qualities.   We simply do not know some of the long-term green chemical. 

Week 3 Element of the Week

Potassium a chemical element in the periodic table with symbol K.  Its atomic number is 19 and atomic mass 39.  It is very reactive, especially in water.  I choose this chemical because it helps plants grow abundant flowers, intensity of its colorations with overall strength and vigor of plants.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Some interesting animations!

This site have some of very interesting and nicely done animations on molecules.  even though there are 2-D but with the nice coloration and configuration that they appear almost 3-D alike.  In one illustration of residual dipolar coupling not only zoom in with further details.  Distance geometry analysis and configuration assignments are also included in these animations.

ConArch+ software definitely is robust enough to handle these sophisticated calculations of molecules with fine resolutions for display.  Typically animations requires nice RAM and fast speed processor to produce the desire effects.   Various 3-D like animations models gives a fine details glimpse of the molecules requires a fine software engineer to develop.  I am excitedly anticipating an animations on orbits and orbitals models in this software, particularly to see the orbitals in motion that would be interesting.

Week Two Thoughts

very intriguing discussion in this chemistry session that most of us are unaware of the microplastic phenomena that apparently is quite invasive in today's world.   some of the high lite of our discussion involve bacteria eating plastic island has been reported on the news,  re introduce an existing technology on biodegradable plastic that might be on the pipeline for consumer;  these are good news towards plastic reduction;

but most of us were surprised to find that internally we as well as some animals are filled with micro plastic particle or pollutants or living at an environment filled with plastic particles.   In one way, I am not surprise as I pointed out there were studies and researched have shown that certain brand of vitamins,  despite their great marketing efforts,  their vitamin residues, fillers, partial capsules have been found in human stool samples.  Perhaps we might have much more pollutants internally then we though.  So, I am glad we had a good discussion and increase the awareness.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Concept Map.

Field Trip!

This is a shelter in "Field Trip" to the kitchen.

so, there is the dishwasher detergent cube (Finished Powerball),  Jet-Dry rinse agent for the dishwasher, and Meyer's multi-surface cleaner.  All are products contains various chemicals.

Welcome to my Chem blog at ACCHS!

Welcome to my Chem blog at ACCHS!

My name is Ben.  I am currently enrolled in the Chemistry course.  New to the blog scene and my blog along with my fellow classmates will serve as group interactions among discussion on general topics on Chemistry with emphasis in oriental medicine!

BioChem Week5 : Biomimicry = modern Feng Shui?

    Biomimicry architectural design is a forward-thinking concept that has been implemented worldwide and is emerging in the US.   The Bul...