Friday, May 29, 2020

Week 4: Class Discussion

We had an intriguing conversation on the article the words that change what colours we see.   From the concept of how most of us identify colors based on what mainstream society and culture definition.  So, we are literally programmed from birth regarding the definitions and labeling of colors and what not.    Synesthesia the ability to joining of the senses that what a person can see sounds or hear colours is mysterious as we think by relaying examples of musician’s innate ability to conjure up imagery and sensations while playing instruments! 
We noticed that different culture and regions of the world still have their ways of expressing colors.  For example, Tibetan langue utilize basic color words with adaptation of light and dark to diversify.   In other words, the word pink would be a combination of white and red.   In both Chinese language and in Japanese Kanji characters both have a unique word for neither blue nor green.  A close translation would be azure color.
Cultural can be another factor as Tibet is quite shelter in since 6th century.   With scared resources, they had limited exposure to color vs. the very flamboyant Swiss guards costume designed by the famed Michelangelo for the Vatican.
Lastly, I saw a video clip of a region in Turkey that they are still practicing so called bird language.  It’s a remote part of Turkey with mountain and trees and folks whistle like a bird to communicate.  It’s very exciting that the elders are trying to teach the young children of this dying art!  So, totally defy what normal concept of words and colors.

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