Wednesday, September 23, 2020

BioChem: Week2: Venus OH Venus!


Planet of Love or the Hell Hole near Earth.  Venus- goddess of love & beauty or Pele- indigenous goddess of fire and volcano in Hawaii.


From a scientific viewpoint, the blazing hot hostile temperature on the surface of Venus can literally incinerate everything.  Could Venus be in a more habitable environment millions of years ago?  What lead its path of astray to such a hostile place yet it glows with reddish maroon vibe that astrologers and psychic unanimously agreed Venus radiates the love, charisma, and sexual energy.


Without much scientific data about Venus, we cannot make conclusive suggestions that it was green house effect that leads its astray or other conjectures in my opinion.  But, the latest data did indicated that within the 10 miles radius cloudbank shows some basic form or organism.  Recalling amoeba that inhabit Earth since inceptions beyond time.


I want to end with a Hawaiian story that Pele can show her awesome wrath with fire, lava, molten rocks that destroy everything on its path.  Afterwards, the rich minerals spew into the land and ocean formed the fertile ground for her subjects to prosper as her domain grows!


  1. Hi Ben, I like your commentary on Pele and Venus. Perhaps we will find out if there are little organisms in her fiery, super-sulfuric clouds. Hopefully no one will think of bringing them back here to populate the Earth. :)

    1. haha, and oh yah, folks on the Big Island are serious about Pele!

  2. This post is such a story! I love it.
    Rather than saying Venus was once was a habitable environment years ago...maybe we should say in a million years it will turn into an environment more organisms can go. Since time is arguably not linear, anything is possible


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