Friday, May 22, 2020

Week 3 Luminescence

Before touch on luminescence which is referring to one of the light source from a form of energy, it is incandescence form of light which is most of us grew up with.  An older form of technology of light from heat energy that is phasing out as it requires more energy or wattage to sustain.

Luminescence is a cooler form of light operate at ambient or lower temperature.   This newer technology is taking over globally at much advantage of producing less energy require lighting among other good qualities.   Basically, luminescence concepts is electrical attractions between atomic nucleus and electron.   This form of cold-body radiation is becoming a popular mainstream form of lighting.


  1. That is interesting. My element this week was tungsten which is used as a filament in incandescence lighting. The problem with using these types of lightbulbs is that it is not energy efficient and that it created more heat than light. So it makes sense that people are switching to luminescence and LED and why it is becoming more popular.

  2. Hi! Trying this again as my first comment didn't post which is beginning to make me think that my other posts from previous weeks haven't posted!

    Anyway! Super interesting to learn about luminescence replacing the incandescence bulbs. It makes me wonder that if, although it is more energy efficient, is the disposal of the bulb also more energy efficient than incandescence?


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