Friday, May 22, 2020

Wk 3: Green Chemistry

In my opinion, green chemistry will be the big topic in chemical manufacturing.  I already had a brief discussion on regarding the 12 principles of green chemistry and notice there are definitely the pro and there are con.

Yes, going green is such a buzz word now and conceptually is very good that to use sustainable and renewable resources for reactants and catalysts.   The concept of reducing chemical waste has been a hot topic globally for years.   To have a chemical product with reaction at ambient temperature and pressure will reduce energy consumption.   Of course, a safer chemical product in general will prevent accidents like poisons to toxic reactions to the general public will be less and therefore, less works for the ambulance chaser!

On the other hand,  the initial cost or investment to setup or re-engineered for a greener manufacturer might not be even feasible for some small or mid-size plants.  It is likely that they have to shutdown production line and rebuild and retrain the crews.  This alone might send say a plant of 50 people out of job for a while or simply no resources for the capital investment!

Another concern is that just because it is green, there is no long term data to prove that they are safe on the long run without potential side effect.  Granted existing chemicals have been in the industry for many decades with its known good and bad qualities.   We simply do not know some of the long-term green chemical. 

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