Sunday, June 21, 2020

Wk: 7  Alchemy – science, magic, art – or all three?

In my opinion, the trinity of alchemy are science, magic and art.  There are many alchemical process that were simply define as scientific as process to extract natural chemical elements, observe the interactions between chemicals and extracting essence from various plants or rock or minerals.    Ex.  Hydrosols back in 1800’s were developed to extract essences for healing purposes.  There is also other ancient technique to distilled essence of herbs for medicinal usage. 

Some of the ancient manuscripts on alchemy are filled with exotic pictorial drawings and diagrams or illustrations celestial realms, earthy plants, and minerals.  They are beautiful to behold.  Some of them are truly art pieces displaying with these exotic symmetrical colorful patterns.

So, there is definite the deep dark mystery behind some of these alchemical processes as it might involve planetary positions, timing of the year,  elemental conditions or even natural energy of certain places that they summon upon to aid the process.  These rich symbolism may present as a rich dark tales

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ben! I love this! I totally am in the same camp of belief that alchemy are science, magic and art. As I am not of the artistic mind - hearing you describe the exotic pictorial drawings and diagrams shifted how I look at those as arts rather than just diagrams or directions.


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