Monday, June 8, 2020

WK 5: Intermittent fasting is one more tool in weight-loss toolbox

Our group had a nice discussion regarding fasting and intermittent fasting.   We discussed not only the health aspect but as a trend.  Decade ago, Master Cleanse was a popular fasting that primarily involve lemon, water, cayenne and honey.   From personal experience shared within the group or their friends experience, the consensus is there is a positive outcome towards fasting in general.  Yet, the concept of intermittent fasting is not fully authenticated by the medical experts.  I had heard some theory of talks on intermittent fasting as its theory is about on intermittently resetting one’s entire system.  In layman’s term, it’s like restart your iPad or your smart phone so that hopefully your hormonal and glandular systems will have a chance to function normally as most of us are stressed and live in a toxic environment!

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