Monday, June 8, 2020

Week 5: diet suggestions in pH Balance: Acids & Alkalis & Anti-Oxidants

With increasing awareness of cancer today, most of us know someone was afflicted with this disease.  Without knowing the exact cause for cancer, most people are unaware how their diet might induce a cancerous condition within one’s body.   By knowing the PH balance of the food, it helps one curtail their own diet.  From more acidic to basic which may reduce pathogenic bacteria within oneself.  More specifically the various food sources that can be creatively utilized.   By knowing antioxidants rich berry fruits like blueberry, raspberry, strawberry, and blackberry can help one to bind the free radical inside one’s body so to minimize damages to the cells.  Kiwifruit is another good source of flavonoid antioxidants and vitamin C, A and E.  By knowing certain fruits that are enzyme rich, it can aid one’s digestions for example, papain in the papaya and bromelain in pineapple are wonderful digestive enzyme that we can utilized.

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