Monday, June 8, 2020

WK 5: Alchemy Website

I particularly enjoyed the short introduction to Chinese Alchemy.  It gave a good intro framework and supported with historical records.  Neidan (inner alchemy) is still very popular among Chinese internal art.  These are living lineages that were hidden and not destroyed by the Chinese Culture Revolution and many other lineage holders have escaped to Hong Kong, Taiwan, and rest of Southeast Asia that many of their spiritual heirs still practicing today!   Especially in Taiwan since the official language is in traditional Chinese which all the ancient texts were written in.  The spiritual heirs of these internal arts are still able to fully comprehend and have a great command of the original authentic “traditional” Chinese language in an unadulterated manner.  In other words, new well written commentary is flourishing.   Most importantly, the secret oral pith instructions were retained by these masters in Taiwan mainly she escaped the 10 years of Culture Revolution!    Another example is all Taoist or Chinese alchemist’s talismans (Fu) are drawn in Traditional Chinese characters embedded with some very ancient characters.  With over thousand years of lineage blessing in them and been proven through many dynasties.  This popular practice is still practice today in Taiwan unlike in China.

On the other side of the continent, the famed Elias Ashmole’s  – English alchemist works are fascinated by a glance.  But, I think one needs to be well verse in Latin before diving deeper to understand these alchemical manuscript.


  1. Hi Ben! I like your synthesis of the Chinese Alchemy article we looked at in class. So much of what inspires me to practice Chinese medicine is that alchemy is at the heart. I feel so inspired and empowered learning that, for centuries, people have been able to alchemize their internal (and in some legends, external) environments.

    1. thanks, yah, there cools stuffs out there :)

  2. Hi Ben,
    I haven't taken the time yet to read the article you are referring to, but it sounds fascinating and a good read. Just from reading your comments, I learned that many Chinese escaped to Taiwan during the Cultural Revolution. I didn't know that many of those people carried on the ancient language and culture. I find that so fascinating and would like to read more about that part of history.

    1. Hi Amanda,
      I was just as surprised that on one of my trips to China, I learned that the Confusious Temple society in China has requested Confusious society in Taiwan to demonstrate and to learn the original Confuscian ceremonies dated back at his time 551BC!

      Glad these important historical & artful ceremonies are not lost :)


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