Saturday, June 13, 2020

Wk 6:  Hydrogen fuel cells and electric vehicles – are we seeing the end of the gasoline engine, in your view?

I really doubt it as there are still many hurdles in both hydrogen fuel cells and electric vehicles industries.  One is the sustainability of the rechargeable battery.  It’s life and replacement costs which can be astronomical.  How many car manufacturers are willing to offer long term warranty on these batteries?  

Yes, hybrid vehicles are such a buzz word that Mercedes Benz and Lexus have their high-end hybrid.  Since both of their luxury vehicles are very heavy, the average mileage in real life conditions is very undesirably low.  On top, they are very expansive.  The cost-benefit analysis on them would be in the negatives I am afraid.

Currently, hydrogen vehicle is at a premium price and just think how many of us can afford a Tesla right now?  I think the concept is good but there is a still the long yellow brick road to OZ!

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