Monday, September 14, 2020

BioChem: Week 1 The Chemistry of Life - Side Effects All in the Mind!


I would like to discuss the article Side-effects could be all in the mind.  Learning and knowing so called “nocebo” effect is very intriguing that some studies not just placebo effects happens and nocebo effect which is basically patient exhibits mental side effects from nothing more than a sugar pill!


The power of mind is indeed latent with mysterious abilities as throughout the century that people may be influence simply through the power of mind.  One may call it hypnotic suggestion, hypnosis, trance state, to auto suggestion or even mass hysteria.    Perhaps we as human been told or brain wash to the point of behaving accordingly that if one person is exhibiting certain type of behaviors then people surrounding will follow accordingly.  Just as a flock of buffalos run in certain directions as mainly from their leader, these are symptoms that if one patient is showing a symptom    then rest of them may think or to believe that their similar symptoms are emerging.


Just as baffling that why placebo works in some cases that patients were cure from sugar pills and imaginary side effects of nocebo.   History have demonstrated many make to believe or miraculous healing transformation from shaman, priest, or priestess.  A shamanistic healer may offer a simple water that has been through some rituals, however, it transforms into a libation of healing to some!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ben,
    you make a good point that the mind is a powerful tool that we use to benefit or inhibit our well being. I like what you said about rituals and blessed water. We imagine objects to hold certain powers. Do they really or are our minds creating that reality? I don't know. I think sometimes yes and other times no. It depends on the object and the origin. Intention is a powerful tool. I think we use things to create the intentions we wish to hold in the world and within ourselves.


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