Friday, September 25, 2020

BioChem: Wk3 Have you ever come across “misophonia”?


Oh yes,  in classrooms other then ACCHS 😊   but, it was the work office environment esp. the fish bowl style office that people simply get set off with pretty much any noise i.e., bloody murders 😊

BioChem Wk3: TCM and Pharma in the “Post Pandemic Age”


The systematic review and meta analysis study was very informative.  The abstract clearly illustrate and define the rudimentary requirements for the study.  Once one access the full report, it was very detailed and can be a bit overwhelmed particular for reader that hasn’t involve in such study.


Though I have not expose to the formulations in TCM, I have understanding of the herb Baical Skullcap Root (Huangqin) for it’s important role in Covid 19 and Forsynthia Fruit (Lianqiao) from common sources.


The study indicated that some basic patters such as Pneumonia #1 formula and Penumonia #2 formula.  Obviously there are pattern discernment from the classical formulas while leverage up to 100 herbs is simple awe!


          It is interesting that again Wen Bing school shines as the study mentioned Heat with Damp and Heat with Toxin TCM etiology.  It appears the fever reduction time was emphasized among other clinical symptoms that were part of the summary.


Naturally from the expert, they pointed out this study’s limitation, but I think this study could set the bio marker bench for the future studies to come.


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

BioChem: Week2: Venus OH Venus!


Planet of Love or the Hell Hole near Earth.  Venus- goddess of love & beauty or Pele- indigenous goddess of fire and volcano in Hawaii.


From a scientific viewpoint, the blazing hot hostile temperature on the surface of Venus can literally incinerate everything.  Could Venus be in a more habitable environment millions of years ago?  What lead its path of astray to such a hostile place yet it glows with reddish maroon vibe that astrologers and psychic unanimously agreed Venus radiates the love, charisma, and sexual energy.


Without much scientific data about Venus, we cannot make conclusive suggestions that it was green house effect that leads its astray or other conjectures in my opinion.  But, the latest data did indicated that within the 10 miles radius cloudbank shows some basic form or organism.  Recalling amoeba that inhabit Earth since inceptions beyond time.


I want to end with a Hawaiian story that Pele can show her awesome wrath with fire, lava, molten rocks that destroy everything on its path.  Afterwards, the rich minerals spew into the land and ocean formed the fertile ground for her subjects to prosper as her domain grows!

BioChem:  The Placebo/Nocebo Discussion – what are your own views on this?


What a fascinating subject to learn that nocebo cases in existence.  In a way I can see why there is the placebo method in the medical community, and of course people can express myriads of opinions of pro and con and why or why not.   But the nocebo effect is certainly intriguing as it’s hard to pinpoint the exact cause for patient to display the nocebo symptoms.  One can assume that the mind is mysterious and certainly “can play trick on you!” as people often expressed.  

From a historical and cultural viewpoint, I believe nocebo effect already been display throughout the past centuries and across different cultures.  From wailing of fake witchery hex,  mass hysteria,  spontaneous unexplained display behaviors, group trance or possession, shamanistic altered state, or ancient oracles.  Certainly, it would be nice to have a deeper conversation with an anthropologist.

Monday, September 14, 2020

BioChem Week 1: Definitions from The Chemistry of Life


“Biochemistry is a field of science concerned with the chemical substances and processes that occur in plants, animals, and microorganisms.”


It is the science of chemistry which is the fundamental components with the biological aspect that illustrating the functionality or the software aspect of the structure or molecule.  Photosynthesis is a great way for plant to illustrating their biochemical process to utilize sunlight to synthesis nutrients from carbon dioxide and water.


Also, plant fertilizers with various chemicals like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium can enhance various bio aspect of the plant development such as plant growth,  flower stimulation and roots developments.


BioChem: Week 1 The Chemistry of Life - Side Effects All in the Mind!


I would like to discuss the article Side-effects could be all in the mind.  Learning and knowing so called “nocebo” effect is very intriguing that some studies not just placebo effects happens and nocebo effect which is basically patient exhibits mental side effects from nothing more than a sugar pill!


The power of mind is indeed latent with mysterious abilities as throughout the century that people may be influence simply through the power of mind.  One may call it hypnotic suggestion, hypnosis, trance state, to auto suggestion or even mass hysteria.    Perhaps we as human been told or brain wash to the point of behaving accordingly that if one person is exhibiting certain type of behaviors then people surrounding will follow accordingly.  Just as a flock of buffalos run in certain directions as mainly from their leader, these are symptoms that if one patient is showing a symptom    then rest of them may think or to believe that their similar symptoms are emerging.


Just as baffling that why placebo works in some cases that patients were cure from sugar pills and imaginary side effects of nocebo.   History have demonstrated many make to believe or miraculous healing transformation from shaman, priest, or priestess.  A shamanistic healer may offer a simple water that has been through some rituals, however, it transforms into a libation of healing to some!

BioChem Week5 : Biomimicry = modern Feng Shui?

    Biomimicry architectural design is a forward-thinking concept that has been implemented worldwide and is emerging in the US.   The Bul...