Wednesday, September 23, 2020

BioChem:  The Placebo/Nocebo Discussion – what are your own views on this?


What a fascinating subject to learn that nocebo cases in existence.  In a way I can see why there is the placebo method in the medical community, and of course people can express myriads of opinions of pro and con and why or why not.   But the nocebo effect is certainly intriguing as it’s hard to pinpoint the exact cause for patient to display the nocebo symptoms.  One can assume that the mind is mysterious and certainly “can play trick on you!” as people often expressed.  

From a historical and cultural viewpoint, I believe nocebo effect already been display throughout the past centuries and across different cultures.  From wailing of fake witchery hex,  mass hysteria,  spontaneous unexplained display behaviors, group trance or possession, shamanistic altered state, or ancient oracles.  Certainly, it would be nice to have a deeper conversation with an anthropologist.

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